Keep calm and carry on. We are being played.
The spectre of nuclear war has flown across the western media every few months. Corporate and private pundits are extremely happy to scare the daylights out of the population with vague and ambiguous comments, deliberately produced to inject fear. The media love fear and scandal, they both attract huge revenues from people who don’t know enough and want to know more:
‘Am I safe?
Will my children have to go to war?
Are we going to be bombed?
Children are now asking their schoolteacher if we are going to have a nuclear war. Like most, the teachers do not spend hours trying to understand contemporary politics. They are as worried as the kids.
This is a free of charge, exaggeration of Putin propaganda. Like any bully on the back foot in fear of losing a fight, he rants about his strength in the hope that his opposition will back down. Putin has banged the nuclear weapon drums repeatedly for nearly three years. Rest assured that he is on the back foot. He is short of men, materiel, and money, all of which are essential to maintain his war.
Let me reassure as many as I can that nuclear war is highly unlikely. We can never say ‘never’ but I am 99% confident of my statement. Nuclear weapons are only effective as a deterrent, once used the initiator loses.
Russia is a nation of two cities, Moscow, and St Petersburg. A response from a single British, French, or American submarine would remove these cities and Russia as a nation from the face of the earth. NATO is an alliance of a hundred cities Russia might destroy some, but the effect would be their suicide. Nuclear weapons only work as a deterrent. There is no advantage to initiating any nuclear attack. ‘Tactical’ nuclear weapons have been mentioned for ‘battlefield use.’ The yield (explosive content) of these weapons is still enormous and would illicit a similar response. If Putin uses them, he is finished and so is his ally Kim Jong Un.
Note: Putin with all his money, men and guns failed to subdue Afghanistan and has failed to subdue Ukraine. Russia would be crushed by NATO in twenty minutes (NATO response time) if he chose to use a nuclear weapon anywhere.
The ballistic missiles fired last week into Dnipro by Russia have a 400kg explosive warhead. This is no larger than many other artillery systems already in use. Some news outlets have written that this is ‘the first-time ballistic missiles have been used in war.’ The Germans invented these weapons and used them in 1945, they were called V2 rockets. Russia fired theirs because they can carry nuclear warheads. So can cruise missiles.
As explosive weapons they make no difference to the battle picture. Lacking accuracy, it is possible they were used because of shortages in other munitions. They are ‘hypersonic because they enter low earth orbit and come down too fast to be intercepted.
It is the media’s job to report information responsibly, and they are failing completely.
Keep calm, we are not going to have a nuclear conflict. Putin wants us scared in the hope that we lose our resolve to support Ukraine. The press simply want to make money!
Who Dares Shares!
Slava Ukraini!
Robin Horsfall
Spot on again, Robin.